I Know Well Meet Again Star Wars

Obi-Wan Kenobi is one of the most important supporting characters in the 'Star Wars' franchise.

Formerly a pupil of Qui-Gon Jinn who is a powerful Jedi main, he is appointed as the mentor of Anakin Skywalker, to whom he introduces and teaches the fashion of the Jedi. He goes by the name Ben Kenobi considering information technology was personal to him equally Satine Kryze addressed him past that name.

He is played by English histrion Alec Guinness who had won the Academy Honor for his brilliant functioning in the films. Hither is a listing of some of the well-nigh famous memorable quotes by him including his teachings to Anakin from the series and the movies.

If yous like our content, you can check out other amazing manufactures similar [Luke Skywalker quotes] and [Princess Leia quotes].

The Best Obi-Wan Quotes

Inspirational Obi-Wan Kenobi quotes from 'Star Wars' are memorable.

This is a list of some of the choicest Obi-Wan Kenobi quotes including his quotes well-nigh the Strength that pay tribute to this strong Jedi character from 'Star Wars' universe and Obi Wan Kenobi quotes from 'The Clone Wars'.

1. "You can't win, Vader. If you strike me downwardly, I shall become more powerful than you lot tin can perhaps imagine."

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

2. "In my experience, there is no such thing as luck."

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

3. "Practise you believe that many of the truths we cling to depend profoundly on our own point of view?"

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

4. "The truth is often what we make of it; you lot heard what you wanted to hear, believed what you wanted to believe."

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

5. "You were the called 1! It was said that you lot would destroy the Sith, not bring together them! Bring remainder to the force, not leave it in darkness!"

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

6. "You lot were my brother, Anakin! I loved yous!"

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

7. "Simply a sith deals in absolutes"

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

viii. "Simply Master Yoda says I should be mindful of the future."

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

9. "The road lies before you, Anakin Skywalker. Will yous walk it alone?"

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

10. "For over a thousand generations, the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the night times, before the Empire."

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

eleven. "If yous define yourself by the power to take life, the want to dominate, to possess… then yous have nothing."

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

12. "If his ship is as fast as his boasting, nosotros ought to do well."

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

13. "Who is more foolish? The fool or the fool who follows him?"

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

14. "Why exercise I get the feeling that we've picked up another pathetic life form?"

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

17. "These aren't the droids you're looking for."

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

18. "You've taken your start pace into a larger earth."

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

19. "Skill is the kid of patience."

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

20. "And what of the boy? To Tatooine. To his family, transport him. I volition accept the kid and watch over him."

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

Obi-Wan Kenobi Quotes From The Movies

Obi-Wan Kenobi quotes from 'A New Hope' are some of the best.

Here is a list of some of the best Obi-Wan Kenobi quotes from the iconic movies in the 'Star Wars' franchise including 'The Revenge of The Sith' quotes, 'The Clone Wars' quotes, 'A New Promise' quotes and the like. As well every bit this, maybe the well-nigh famous line from 'Star Wars', "May the strength be with yous."

21. "It is an energy field and something more than. An aura that at once controls and obeys. It is a nothingness that tin accomplish miracles."

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

22. "Goodbye, one-time friend. May the force be with you."

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

23. "I have the high ground."

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

24. "Why practice I get the feeling that yous  are going to be the death of me?"

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

25. "You want to go home and rethink your life."

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

26. "I take failed you, Anakin. I have failed you."

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

27. "I have taught you everything I know. and yous take become a far greater Jedi than I could e'er hope to be. But be patient, Anakin. It will not be long before the quango makes y'all a Jedi chief."

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

28. "War tends to distort our point of view. If we sacrifice our code, fifty-fifty for victory, we may lose that which is important for our award?"

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

29. "I am stronger as part of the Jedi Order than I could always be lonely."

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

30. "Call up… the Force will exist with yous. Always."

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

Other Obi-Wan Kenobi Quotes For Fans

Fans will love this listing of Obi-Wan and Old Ben quotes from the prequel trilogy curated peculiarly for y'all, including what Obi Wan said to Anakin, "Be mindful of your thoughts, Anakin, they betray y'all."

31. "Exist mindful of your thoughts, Anakin, they beguile y'all."

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

32. "The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an free energy field created past all living things. It surrounds usa and penetrates u.s.. It binds the galaxy together."

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

33. "An elegant weapon for a more civilized age."

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

34. "Mos Eisley spaceport. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy."

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

35. "I felt a great disturbance in the Forcefulness. As if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were all of a sudden silenced."

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

36. "That's no moon. It'south a space station."

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

37. "Obi-Wan Kenobi: So that's your program: Just fly there, land, hope they don't spot us, and walk in the door?

Anakin Skywalker: Basically.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Oh, brilliant. Let's get going."

-'Clone Wars'

38. "Very impressive. You lot just destroyed 17 defenceless battle droids without suffering a scratch."

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

39. "Anakin Skywalker: That's just it. How tin I become a Jedi Master if I'yard always getting caught?

Obi-Wan Kenobi: At to the lowest degree y'all're a primary… at getting caught."

-'Clone Wars'

40. "This is how you thank me for rescuing y'all? Pounce on me from the ceiling? What am I going to exercise with you?"

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

More Obi-Wan Kenobi Quotes From The 'Star Wars' Franchise

Here is a listing of some more than 'Star Wars' quotes from our favorite Jedi master Obi-Wan Kenobi.

41. "Obi-Wan Kenobi: A great leap forrad oft requires taking two steps back.

Anakin Skywalker: And sometimes, all information technology requires is the will to bound."

-'Clone Wars'

42. "Anakin, y'all must realize this is a fight you lot cannot win alone."

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

43. "You accept allowed this night lord to twist your mind, until now... until now you've become the very thing you lot swore to destroy."

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

44. "Aye, well, I took a lesson from Anakin and decided not to follow orders."

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

45. "This message is a warning and a reminder for any surviving Jedi: trust in the Forcefulness. Practice not return to the temple; that time has passed and our futurity is uncertain. We will each exist challenged- our trust, our organized religion, our friendships, but nosotros must persevere, and in time, a new hope will sally. May the Strength be with you lot, always."

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

46. "I'll never sympathise how you lot can simplify these battles into some kind of game."

-'Clone Wars'

47. "You can impale me, simply you volition never destroy me. Information technology takes strength to resist the dark side. Only the weak embrace information technology."

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

48. "Anakin Skywalker: Why do y'all even ask for my opinion? Nosotros never do things my way.

Obi-Wan: We crashed the ship your way."

-'Clone Wars'.

49. "I hear a lot of talking, Full general. But in the final accounting, what does all the talk get you lot? A futile quest for power, a mutilated body, and your place as Dooku's errand boy!"

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

l. "Anakin Skywalker: How did you know they wouldn't but attack us?

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Because I make observations, while y'all think with your lightsaber."

-'Clone Wars'

51. "Use the force luke."

-'Clone Wars'.

52.  "So let me get this straight, Anakin. Y'all risked the mission, all your men – even your Padawan – to save a droid?"

-Obi-Wan/ Ben Kenobi.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for anybody to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Obi-Wan Kenobi quotes then why not accept a wait at Han Solo quotes, or Darth Vader quotes.


Source: https://kidadl.com/quotes/best-obi-wan-kenobi-quotes-from-the-star-wars-franchise

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